August 29, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
$15 & $20
Susan Wiener

Social Media Do's and Don'tsWhat’s faster than a speeding bullet?  More powerful than a locomotive?  Look – up in the sky … it’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest … Don’t you just wish it was Superman?  While Social Media can be a great vehicle to market your business, the myriad of choices and the constant promotions can cause it to be overwhelming and frustrating and at worst, a waste of your time and energy.

Join Women’s Prosperity Network for this month’s targeted mastermind workshop where you’ll have the opportunity to:

Examine the various social media sites as it pertains to your ideal market

Learn the all-important ways to effectively reach your market

Express and conquer your social media challenges and frustrations masterminding with experts and WPN sisters to up your Social Media game

Gentlemen: Please note this one is just for the ladies.
We would love to have you join us for one of our other workshops